Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Assassination

It deeply troubles me that such an outrageous act of pure indecency would occur during such an inconvenient time. The country needed stability, and John Wilkes Booth has ruined that. Although I deeply disliked the former President, his death truly worries me, and I stand to gain nothing from it. Also, even though my closest friends have accused me of being in league with Booth, it isn't true.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Fleeing of the Capital

On April 2, General Lee sent a message to flee from the capital. Before I left, I made sure all my family's possessions were taken care of, and then my Cabinet and I left Richmond and fled to Danville, where we wait for Lee and his forces. For some reason, he is late. I do hope nothing has happened.


Seige of Vicksburg

This must be the finishing blow. Together, in the span of less than two weeks, we lost the Battle of Gettysburg and the Union siege of Vicksburg by the Union was successful. We have lost thousands of soldiers to death, and many more have been captured by Union forces. Not only that, essential suppliers for war such as artillery have been taken by the Union.I cannot help but feel totally responsible for Vicksburg, for it was I who told Lieutenant General Pemberton to protect Vicksburg. It was a tactically horrendous choice, and we are now paying for it.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Battle of Gettysburg

I had expected, after the Battle of Chancellorsville, for Lee to march north and win with relative ease. This battle has been, however, a devastating blow to us in so many ways. Not only did we lose thousands of good soldiers, but we have also lost any support we had in Europe. A loss of morale is rampant across the Confederate States of America. Due to this win for the union, Lincoln will now not accept any form of negotiation for a peaceful secession. I fear that the end is near for us.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Battle of Chancellorsville

Today my friends, we were met with a great victory! Our decisive win at the Battle of Chancellorsville has assured the world that we will not go quietly into the night in the face of oppression. Outnumbered by more than double, General Lee successfully outmaneuvered Union forces in what should be known as one of his best battles. However, not only did we lose 10,000 of our finest fathers, brothers and sons, but Lieutenant General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson also fell. We cannot let their sacrifice be in vain. We must preserve our rights of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness".


Monday, January 26, 2009

The Emancipation Proclamation

How dare he! That dog dares to threaten our well being in such a heinous manner! Does he wish for a longer war? Does he want more bloodshed? The Confederate States of America will not rejoin the Union, nor will we keep quiet. "The instincts of common humanity" is enough to condemn this proclamation. This so called moral man who heads the god forsaken Union is willing to exterminate a group of inferior, peaceful laborers and to encourage "a general assassination of their masters." He will truly pay for this.


The Battle of Sharpsburg

This failure at Sharpsburg has ended General Lee's invasion of the Union with the army of Northern Virginia, and, at the same time, shown us the horrors of war. Hundreds of our fathers and sons have been killed in quite possibly the bloodiest battle yet. However much I regret the loss of our loved ones, this is the consequence of war, and we cannot stop until victory is assured. General Lee assured me that it would be to our advantage to take the war to maryland, and I do believe that this campaign was the best course of action. For,we were forced to "protect our own country by transferring the seat of war to that of an enemy who pursues us with a relentless and apparently aimless hostility.”
